If you request a piece of information from us, we have a duty to disclose that information, providing we hold it and it is not subject to any legally defined exemptions.
Freedom of Information Act 2000
- Public authorities obliged to publish certain information;
- Public entitled to request information.
- Applies to recorded information;
- Does not give access to an individual's own personal data
Environmental Information Regulations Act 2004
- Public authorities must make environmental information available proactively;
- Public entitled to request environmental information.
- Applies to recorded information;
- Does not give access to an individual's own personal data
To increase accessibility of information, the Fund have prepared a list of common Freedom of Information (FOI) request areas. Please see below a variety of published information in these areas.
Annual Report and Accounts
The Annual Report and Accounts is a detailed summary of the Fund's activities up to 31 March of the preceding financial year. The purpose of this report is to give stakeholders a variety of information relating to financial performance and Fund activities. The contents requirements of the annual report are set out in CIPFA LGPS Regulations. Our published annual reports can be found at Annual Reports.
Responsible Investment
The Fund has a longstanding commitment to responsible investment (RI), and this is underpinned by our Responsible Investment Framework. Its purpose is to detail the approach the Fund aims to follow in integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in its investments. It is considered supplementary to the Fund's Statement of Investment Principles and thus in alignment with its fiduciary duty.
For more information please view Responsible investment.
Pensions Committee and Pensions Board
The Fund holds quarterly meetings with both our Pensions Committee and Local Pensions Board. Agendas, reports and minutes can be found on the City of Wolverhampton Council's website in their capacity as our administering authority.
Other Fund Information
The Fund reviews a variety of documentation on an annual basis. Policies, strategies and other corporate information can be found at Corporate Information.
This includes but is not limited to Service Plan, Investment Strategy Statement (ISS), Funding Strategy Statement (FSS), Pension Administration Strategy (PAS), Governance Compliance Statement.
Regulatory Bodies & Partner Agencies
The Fund operates as part of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). The LGPS is established by statute and its purpose is to provide death and retirement benefits for all eligible employees. The scheme regulations were made under the Superannuation Act 1972 and in the future will be made under the Public Service Pension Schemes Act 2013.
See below a list of regulatory bodies and Fund partner agencies that may assist you in acquiring information.
- LGPS Member
- The Pensions Regulator (tPR)
- The Scheme Advisory Board (SAB)
- The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
- Prudential (Fund AVC provider)
- LGPS Central Ltd
Get in Touch
If you are looking to contact the Fund in relation to your individual pension benefits please Contact us.
Alternatively, please see our dedicated member section of our website that may be able to answer your query.
We advise that you review the information areas above before making an FOI request, as they may provide what you require.
If you do wish to make a formal FOI request, please fill out the online form below or email WMPFFOI@wolverhampton.gov.uk or write to us at: Governance & Compliance Team, West Midlands Pension Fund, PO Box 3948, Wolverhampton, WV1 1XP.