On this page you can access the most up to date information about our customer servicing.
Continued and sustained progress
We are seeing continued improvement in our service standards and the waiting times experienced by our members. We are working hard to support all our members and remain committed to improving our service further in responding to customer feedback.
Yet we recognise that some of our service standards are still below those we, and our customers, expect. We acknowledge that there are individual cases which require greater attention and some of these fall outside the timescales being generally quoted. While actual waiting times have improved considerably for most people, we understand how frustrating it is for members to wait for information.
We are pleased to be able to confirm that our member experience is steadily improving:
The number of members waiting for benefit quotations and payments has significantly reduced and is now at half the level it was six months ago.
We have reduced our expected waiting time for retirement quotations to 9 weeks. Payments continue to be made within 2 weeks, once options forms are returned
We are in contact with members whose requests are taking longer to serve, recognising they may be facing difficult and challenging times. We are sorry for any delays incurred. Where required, we are actively working with these members to resolve any queries in relation to their request.
We are working with our employers to bring further improvements and efficiencies to member experience.
We continue to pay pensions regularly and on time to all pensioner and beneficiary members.
Online and face-to-face support continues to be available across the region and we are on hand to support members access the full range of guides and personalised benefit illustration tools available through registration to the member portal.
We thank our members and employers for their ongoing support and patience.
For our latest customer update, including quick access to key information and support, please view Customer Servicing Update.
General System Transition FAQs
I have retired and I am waiting for payment of benefits. When will I receive them?
We understand that members are currently waiting for payment of benefits, we would like to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to make payment of your benefits as soon as possible. To support with the high volume of casework, resources from our other benefit processing teams have been reallocated and trained to support the processing in priority areas. In addition, the Fund has also launched a supplementary payroll to ensure we can make payment of arrears throughout the month, allowing members to receive payments quicker.
When we have processed your benefits, we will provide a letter which confirms payment of any lump sum and details of your first pension payment. Once completed, pension payments are paid on the 25th of each calendar month, unless this falls on a weekend or a bank holiday where it is paid on the previous working day. Any lump sum payments are paid tax free and will include interest if they are over one month late. Interest is paid 1% above the Bank of England base rate. We would like to thank you for your ongoing patience and would apologise for any inconvenience caused.
I’m an active member and I’m looking at retiring soon and have requested a written estimate before I leave work. When will I receive this?
We are currently experiencing a high volume of requests for calculations which our operational team are currently working through.
The quickest way to receive an estimate of pension benefits is via our online Pension Portal. Please view our short video below which takes you through step-by-step how to produce an estimate.
Will I get interest if my payment is delayed?
Any lump sum payments are paid tax free and will include interest if they are over 1 month late, interest is paid 1% above the Bank of England base rate.
When will I get a reply to my secure message/email?
Our current timescales to respond to secure messages is normally 10 working days, however due to an influx of queries we are taking slightly longer to respond. Please accept our apologies and will be reply as soon as possible.
What are the current opening times for the Customer Services Team if I need to call you?
During this period of system transition we have taken the decision to operate reduced opening hours for our member helpline to ensure we can support members across all channels. You can find our current opening hours here:
Monday: 8.30am-5pm
Tuesday: 8.30am-5pm
Wednesday: 8.30am-5pm
Thursday: 8.30am-5pm
Friday: 8.30am-4.30pm
Please accept our apologies.
I require a CETV for divorce purposes what is the process?
You need to complete and return a PS02,which can be found here RTF Output Document (wmpfonline.com), in order for us to proceed.
I have ceased employment however the Fund have confirmed that they haven’t received my leaving documentation yet what do I do?
Please contact your former employer who will arrange for your leaver documentation to be sent to the WMPF. Once received the Fund will be able to process your leaver documentation and provide you with your options.
Is there a quicker way for any arrears of pension to be paid to me?
The Fund has launched a supplementary payroll system to ensure we can make payment of arrears throughout the whole month. This is allowing members to receive payments quicker, rather than wait till the 25th of the following month.