As a long-term asset owner, we have an opportunity to seek positive real-world change whilst protecting and enhancing the Fund's assets within the scope of our fiduciary duty. In line with our Responsible Investment Framework, we adopt a three-pillar approach: selection, stewardship, and reporting and disclosure. For more information please view the Responsible Investment Framework in the Downloads section.
We prioritise an engagement over divestment approach to investment. Stewardship is an important tool that fulfils that role, translating portfolio decarbonisation into real-life decarbonisation and ESG risk mitigation into real-life positive change. We expect our approach to evolve with increasing data availability; improvements in understanding of complex issues and the development of best practices. To read our full approach, please view the Annual Stewardship Report 2022 in the Downloads section.
To tailor our stewardship methodology, we selected four key engagement themes over 2020-2023 to target
Engagement through partnerships
The Fund firmly believes that partnership and collaboration, with companies, fund managers, regulators and other influential bodies, is required to improve investor outcomes over the long-term. Accordingly the Fund may: - engage in dialogue with policymakers, investors and companies to accelerate the shift to a low carbon economy - enter into dialogue, participate in consultation processes for RI-related regulations - engage with companies, through partnerships, as part of our stewardship approach
As a founding authority of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF), we are a longstanding advocate of collaborative engagement and aim to protect and enhance asset values over the long term through increasing dialogue, transparency, and disclosure. Further partnership and collaboration include:
Voting Globally
The Fund’s Voting Principles deals with issues not covered by the UK Corporate Governance Code; requiring greater emphasis or left open for shareholders to resolve with company boards. For the remaining markets, we endorse PIRC's International Shareholder Voting Principles.
The Fund uses a proxy voting agency for analysis of governance issues and executing its proxy voting rights across all markets in which it invests.
Voting activities are disclosed on a vote-by-vote basis. Quarterly summaries of the Fund’s voting activities are disclosed as part of the quarterly Pension Committee meeting with historic reports available on ModernGov.
Code and Principles
Industry standards encourage investors to be effective stewards or owners of their assets. Therefore, the Fund strives to meet best practice in all areas of its operations including responsible investment.
We were one of the first UK pension funds and asset owners to attain signatory status to the UK Stewardship Code and have maintained our signatory status since, reflecting the Fund’s commitment to the highest levels of stewardship against the Code’s 12 principles. The Fund also adheres to the UK Corporate Governance Code and is a signatory to the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).