All vacancies are advertised on WMJobs.
All online applications received are anonymised and therefore will not include any personal information to ensure its a fair, consistent, and unbiased process.
Please note all applications are anonymous and therefore do not include any personal information. The hiring manager will only have access to a contact number. In the application we'll be looking for your motivation for joining us. There is always lots going on in the world of pensions which makes us an exciting place to work. This is your chance to research us, find out what we do and show your understanding in your application.
City of Wolverhampton Council (CWC) operates a Guaranteed Interview Policy for people with disabilities, care leavers and or veterans if they meet the essential criteria for the role.
Opportunity is available on the application form to detail any reasonable adjustments or support required at the interview.
Reasonable adjustments can be put in place to support the candidate during the interview process. i.e hard of hearing an interpreter can be present at the interview or extra time provided for tests/interviews if required.
The panel will consist of three people. One of these will be the Manager of the relevant department. All panel members will have undertaken unconscious bias training and represent as many protected characteristics as possible., race, gender and ethnicity.
It is important that applicants are treated fairly and courteously at every stage of the recruiting process. The panel will shortlist the candidates who best match the person specification, ensuring they meet the essential criteria and hold the required qualifications and/or experience., the aim of the selection is to predict how likely a person is to succeed in a particular job and to identify and understand what support a person may need to support their development into post. This prediction will be more successful if it is based on a systematic approach that is fair, unbiased and objective.
To ensure shortlisting is consistent, the panel complete a shortlisting matrix of skills outlined in the essential/desirable criteria of the Job Description.
The panel initially complete the shortlisting individually and then agree a collective final shortlist.
Candidates are shortlisted if they meet all the essential criteria of the personnel specification. Following the initial shortlisting exercise and depending on the number of applications and quality of applicants, the panel may look to shortlist further based on the desirable criteria.
An invitation will be issued by the City of Wolverhampton Corporate HR department advising you of your allocated time and location. There may also be an option to select your own time slot. If you are unable to attend, please email wmpfrecruitment@wolverhampton.gov.uk and we will do our very best to re-schedule your interview within a reasonable timeframe.
Some interviews will include a work-based test or sometimes a short presentation, you will be notified of this beforehand, usually in the interview invite. You are required to prepare identification such as passport/driving license as well as certificates for relevant qualifications stipulated on the job description. If you are successful in your interview this documentation will be used to complete pre-employment checks.
West Midlands Pension Fund does not provide parking for employees or visitors. However Wolverhampton city centre offers a wide range of car parks. The nearest car park is the Broad Street car park which is located via St Mary's St, Wolverhampton, WV1 1JD. For Satnav users please use WV1 1JD.
Interview questions are based on the skills and behaviours required for the role which are detailed in the person specification of the Job Description. Each candidate is asked the same set of questions and will be scored independently of their answers by each panel member. Once all interviews are complete, the panel will reconvene and confirm scores. The post is offered to the highest scoring candidate that exhibits the skills and behaviours that meet the requirements of the role.
Remember, interviewers will understand if you are nervous as most people being interviewed usually are. They will take this into account and will want the interview to go well.
Listen carefully to the questions being asked, if you do not understand then do not be afraid to ask them to repeat the question.
Try and feel confident about the situation. If you have been offered an interview, it means that you have already been successful at one stage of applying for the job – your application form has impressed the shortlisting officer enough for them to want to spend time talking to you.
Interviews may be conducted virtually via Microsoft Teams therefore please ensure you take the following steps in preparation:
- Have access to a laptop or phone with a camera.
- Ensure you have a good internet connection.
- Download Microsoft Teams and familiarise yourself with the system.
- Find a private, quiet location where you won’t be interrupted.
Inevitably, technology can sometimes let us down therefore the panel will have your contact details to call and potentially rearrange your interview.
You will normally have at least seven working days’ notice before an interview unless the date has been stated in the job advertisement. Use the time to prepare yourself and this will help prevent you feeling nervous.
Make certain you know:
- Where your interview will be held
- How you will get to the interview and how long the journey will take
- Make contingency plans (for looking after children, and so on)
- Set off in plenty of time so that you arrive five minutes early
- Think of any questions you may want to ask at the interview and, if necessary, write these down
- When you arrive, give your name to the receptionist.
- Good manners and social confidence are important
- Make yourself comfortable
- Speak up and look at the person who asked the questions whilst you are answering it
- Make sure you know roughly when you'll be informed of the result of the interview
- If you are unsure about any aspect of the job, take the opportunity given to you at the end of the interview to ask the panel questions, e.g. questions about training or career development opportunities, who you will be working with, etc.
At the conclusion of you interview you will be provided with an expected timeline of the recruitment process and when expected to be informed of the outcome. If you are the successful candidate you will be contacted, usually by telephone, and offered the position. The conditional offer of employment will be subject to suitable references, a medical assessment and pre-employment checks and sent via email. We advise all successful candidates not to hand their notice in prior to these checks being completed. Once a start date has been confirmed a full induction plan will be created and issued to you prior to your start date.
If you are not successful, we will initially try and contact you via telephone and let you know this, otherwise we will send an email.
If you would like feedback on your interview performance, you may request this by contacting the relevant Manager/ Team Leader who formed part of the interview panel by phone or email.