Your annual benefit statements and newsletters



When will my benefit statement be issued?

Annual Benefit Statements have now been produced and will be visible on portal.

If a benefit statement is not visible, we will be contacting members in January with information regarding their statement.

How do I view all my statements if I have more than one record?

If you have multiple memberships with the Fund, your documents are stored separately for each account.

To view the documents of another pension account, please click the ‘Select Member Record’ button in the top right of the banner.

Viewing multiple membership records.

This will provide you with a list of your reference numbers. Click the account you would like to view, then view your documents for that account.

Step by step instructions on how to view your documents can be found in our Pension Portal Guide.

I'm having problems accessing my Pensions Portal account, where can I get support?

If you are having problems accessing your Pensions Portal account, please visit Pension Portal for support.

Where can I find the current value of my pension benefits?

Please view the video above for a guided tour of the statement.

When can I access my pension?

From 1 April 2014, you have increased flexibility on when you can retire and take your pension benefits. You can choose to retire and draw your pension benefits at any time between age 55 and 75. To find out more, please visit Taking your pension.

Does the current value of my benefits include reductions for taking them early?

Reductions aren't included in the current value of your benefits. If you take your pension benefits before your normal pension age (other than through redundancy/business efficiency or ill-health grounds), your pension and any lump-sum is usually reduced. You can view the reductions by visiting Taking your pension. Alternatively you can calculate an estimate using the Pensions Portal.

How can I get an estimate of my pension which includes reductions?

Please visit the Pensions Portal to obtain an estimate of your pension benefits. Estimates are based on pay, here you will find guidance on what pay figures to enter. If you are having problems accessing your Pensions Portal account, please visit Pension Portal for support.

Can I cash-in my pension or draw-down a lump sum from age 55?

As the LGPS is a defined benefit scheme and not a defined contribution scheme, it does not allow members to access their pension benefits flexibly. You therefore are unable to cash-in or draw-down multiple lump-sums from your pension. For more information on different types of schemes, please visit Types of pension if you live and work in the UK.

How does inflation affect my pension?

The benefits you have built up after 1 April 2014 are adjusted each year to reflect any changes in the cost of living. This adjustment (sometimes called inflation proofing or index linking) takes place on 1 April each year. The LGPS uses an inflation measure called the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to determine the adjustment and the value can go down as well as up.

Why does the 'date joined employer' field not reflect the date I joined the scheme?

If you have had a TUPE transfer or have combined multiple pension accounts, this date reflects the most recent contract start date and not your original date of joining. For peace of mind, you can check your service dates by logging on to the Pensions Portal.

What is payable if I die while I am still paying into the scheme?

For information on death benefits, please visit LGPS FAQs.

Should I inform you of my expression of wish in relation to my death in service grant?

You should complete a nomination form so that your wishes as to who you would like to receive any death grant can be taken into account. You can do this online using the Pensions Portal.

Can I increase my lump-sum at retirement?

When you draw your pension benefits you will have the option to exchange some of your pension for lump-sum. The maximum amount of pension you can exchange for lump-sum is 25% of capital value of your pension benefits. For every £1 of pension that you give up, you will receive an additional £12 lump-sum. To estimate your maximum lump-sum:

  • Visit Lump Sum Calculator
  • Enter the amount of yearly pension payable from your chosen retirement date (including any reductions).
  • Enter your lump-sum payable from your chosen retirement date (including any reductions).
  • Select 25% to work out your maximum lump-sum (or use a lower percentage to compare).
  • Press calculate.
Why is the final salary pay used in the statement higher than the amount I earn?

Any final salary benefits you built up before 1 April 2014 are linked to your full-time equivalent pay, even if you are part time (as your membership would have been reduced accordingly).

Any benefits you build up from 1 April 2014 is linked to your career average revalued earnings which is based on the actual amount that you earn. If you are part time, this will be the part time pay.

For more information on how your benefits are calculated, please visit How your pension is worked out.

If you disagree with the pay figures disclosed on your statement, you should contact your employer's pensions or payroll section for further clarification.

Why is the final salary pay used in the statement lower than the career average pensionable pay?

Your career average pensionable pay includes any contractual and non-contractual overtime, whereas your final salary pay only includes contractual overtime. If you disagree with the pay figures disclosed on your statement, you should contact your employer's pensions or payroll section for further clarification.

I've made additional contributions, are they included in the statement?

The following additional contributions are included in your statement:

Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVCs) are not included in your statement. Each year your AVC provider will make a separate statement available to you.

Why can I only see statements from 2011 onwards on the Pensions Portal?

The first electronic annual benefit statements were produced in 2011, prior to this all statements were sent in the post.