Investing to pay pensions and benefit society – have you heard what our investments can do?

We’re excited to share that we’ve just published our first member-focused report on how our investments are making a difference!
Pages of the report
Sep 12, 2024

Investing to pay pensions and benefit society – have you heard what our investments can do?

Last year, we surveyed our members on their thoughts on ‘responsible investment’ (RI). The feedback from our respondents was clear:

  • 25% weren’t sure what RI means
  • 50% hadn’t seen our RI content
  • 79% want us to consider environmental and social factors in our investments.

As these issues are so important to our members – and the Fund – we want to showcase them. Our newly published Highlights from our 2024 Annual Stewardship Report was written with our members in mind. 

We are committed to ensuring that not only do our investments benefit society and support sustainable futures, but that our members can understand the positive impact that their pension contributions can have on their lives and across the world. 
View the report